
Chauncey L. Williams

COL. WILLIAMS, 69, OF F.W. DODGE DIES NOV. 24, 1964 Chauncey Lawrence Wil­liams, retired vice chairman of the F. W. Dodge Corporation and Mayor of Pelham Manor, N. Y., in 1952, died Sunday in New Rochelle Hospital. He was 69 years old and lived at 530 Monterey Avenue, Pelham Manor. Mr. Williams retired several years ago when the Dodge con­cern, an information service for industry and government, be­came a division of McGraw­Hill, Inc. Mr. Williams spent more than 30 years with Sweet's Cata­logue Service, a Dodge concern with headquarters in Cleveland. In 1924, after serving with the Powers‐House advertising agency in Cleveland and as ad­vertising manager of United Machine and Manufacturing, he was named district manager of Sweet's. The service issues man­ufacturers’ catalogues and dis­tributes them to architects, en­gineers, the construction in­dustry, product designers and the metal‐working equipment field. Three years later, Mr. Wil­liams was made general man­ager of the service, with head­quarters in New York, and was elected a director of Dodge. In 1959 he became vice chairman. Between 1929 and 1959 the number of buying offices served by Sweet's Catalogue increased from 28,000 to 124,000 and serv­ice sales from slightly more than $1 million to $7,135,000. Mr. Williams, a former direc­tor of the National Research Council, recently endowed a five‐year study by the Columbia University Graduate School of Business ort the flow of in­formation between buyer and seller in the industrial market. He was president of the Pel­ham Manor Association and former chairman of the board of the Pelham Country Club. Mr. Williams, who was born in Oak Park, Ill., served in World War I as a lieutenant in the Navy Air Corps and graduated from Oberlin College in 1918. Surviving are his widow, the former Daphne Kimball; a son, Chauncy L. Jr. of Puerto Rico; a daughter, Mrs. John L. Walk­er of Darien, Conn.; his step­mother, Mrs. Charlotte Demuth Williams; three, brothers; three sisters, and five grandchildren. A funeral service will be held in Christ Episcopal Church, Pelham Manor, tomorrow at 2 P.M.

Arthur L. Scinta, Town Historian

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